Monday, September 8, 2008

In Need of Focus

I've decided that I need to focus on a few goals each week, because otherwise, it just seems overwhelming to look at this huge list and have to figure out what to do next. So, for this week, I've decided to focus on working on the boys' baby books and doing all of the goals that have a once a month component.

I figured this is a good time to work on the boys' baby books because Will has done a lot of things for the first time in the past week or so: he started army crawling, is getting his first two teeth, and started clapping and waving bye bye. Jackson's baby book is pretty incomplete, with a lot of his milestones either missing, or just with the month and year. And sadly, I've done even less with Will's. Growing up, I always loved looking through my baby book, so I want to get them done for the boys so they can have the same experience.

The monthly goals I have left are: going on a date with DH, taking a family picture, and taking a video of the boys. There is a surprise party for a co-worker on Saturday, so provided we can find a babysitter, that will be our date.


Charity said...

I read your first sentence & thought, "Yep, that's where I'm at."

You rock, whore.

Kate said...

Uh oh, I thought I was slacking... you've been MIA for a while girly... your mama needs to get her whorey but back in here.