Saturday, August 30, 2008

One down, One hundred to go!

I got to cross off the first thing on my list this week. On Monday at bootcamp, I did 25 "boy" pushups. We did a circuit, and for one of the exercises we had to do pushups, so I thought I would try and see how many I could get up to, so I would know where to start working from. Much to my amazement, I did 25! It wasn't a complete breeze, but it was easy enough that I felt like I was cheating by having it down as a goal. I do have to say, though, that a few months ago when I started boot camp, I couldn't even do two regular pushups. Twenty-five seemed like a lot when I made the goal.

I've been frustrated on and off this summer because I've been getting my ass kicked in boot camp and not really losing any weight. But when I see that I can do things I never could have done when I first started, I feel a lot more encouraged.

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